1960’s www.history.com/topics/1960s
American Memory museum www.memory.loc.gov
Atlas of US History http://dsl.richmond.edu/panorama/
C-Span Classroom https://www.c-span.org/classroom
Controversial issues procon.org
Digital public library of America https://dp.la/
Discovery Education www.discoveryeducation.com
Documentary Films topdocumentaryfilms.com
Documentary Heaven documentaryheaven.com
Documentary Tube documentarytube.com
Edsitement lesson plans edsitement.neh.gov/lesson-plans
Government data & statistics www.usa.gov
Great speeches and debates in US History http://voicesofdemocracy.umd.edu/
The History Channel https://www.history.com/classroom
Independent Opinion Research about the press and politics www.people-press.org
Khan Academy Lessons www.khanacademy.org
Library of Congress Digital Collections (refine results by subject) www.loc.gov/collections
National Archives https://www.archives.gov/
National history teaching clearinghouse http://www.teachinghistory.org/
National WWII museum https://www.nationalww2museum.org/
Newsela (daily news at various reading levels)newsela.com
News Reporting from all viewpoints allsidesforschools.org
Presidential biographies www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/presidents
Smithsonian Institute http://americanhistory.si.edu/
Teacher Tube www.teachertube.com
USA.gov https://www.usa.gov/history
Watch Documentaries Online watchdocumentaries.com/
Fact-Checking Websites
www.allsides.com- daily news with left, center, and right bias ratings
www.factcheck.org- monitors politician's statements
www.politifact.com- rates accuracy of politician's statements with a Truth-o-Meter
www.snopes.com- reveals rumors and myths in American popular culture
Gale in Context: U.S. History
ABC- CLIO World Geography
username & password: shstoppers
ABC -Clio Ancient & Medieval World History
username & password: shstoppers
CREDO Source Reference:
(username & password: shstoppers)
Proquest eLibrary
(username: SHSelib
password: SHStoppers22!
Discovery Education:
click login upper right, click sign in with Google
Ebsco Host:
Explora Research Databases for New Researchers: Current Issues
Explora Research Databases for New Researchers: History
Explora Educators- Lesson Plans-American History
H.S. Research-Academic Search Premier
Business Source Premier
(username shstoppers & password @toppers21)
GVRL (Gale):
History, Law, Multicultural Studies, Nation & World, Social Science
galeapps.gale.com/apps/auth?userG roupName=nhais_htfr&origURL=https%3A %2F%2Fgo.gale.com%2Fps%2Fstart.do%3 Fp%3DGVRL%26u%3Dnhai s_htfr&prodId=GVRL
(username & password shstoppers)
Learn 360 Video
online.infobaselearning.com/Default.aspx (username & password shstoppers)
Classroom Video on Demand cvod.infobase.com/p_Login.aspx?log gedOut=1&rUrl=%2fnd_Home.aspx
(username & password: shstoppers)
Evaluating online information & teaching controversial issues:
Stanford University: cor.standard.edu
Brown University: choices.edu
CivXNow: vivxnow.org
NewseumEd: newseumed.org/medialiteracy
Tufts University: circle.tufts.edu
Retro Report- a non-profit news organization that produces short-form documentaries for historical context of current news stories
1960’s www.history.com/topics/1960s
American Memory museum www.memory.loc.gov
Atlas of US History http://dsl.richmond.edu/panorama/
C-Span Classroom https://www.c-span.org/classroom
Controversial issues procon.org
Digital public library of America https://dp.la/
Discovery Education www.discoveryeducation.com
Documentary Films topdocumentaryfilms.com
Documentary Heaven documentaryheaven.com
Documentary Tube documentarytube.com
Edsitement lesson plans edsitement.neh.gov/lesson-plans
Government data & statistics www.usa.gov
Great speeches and debates in US History http://voicesofdemocracy.umd.edu/
The History Channel https://www.history.com/classroom
Independent Opinion Research about the press and politics www.people-press.org
Khan Academy Lessons www.khanacademy.org
Library of Congress Digital Collections (refine results by subject) www.loc.gov/collections
National Archives https://www.archives.gov/
National history teaching clearinghouse http://www.teachinghistory.org/
National WWII museum https://www.nationalww2museum.org/
Newsela (daily news at various reading levels)newsela.com
News Reporting from all viewpoints allsidesforschools.org
Presidential biographies www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/presidents
Smithsonian Institute http://americanhistory.si.edu/
Teacher Tube www.teachertube.com
USA.gov https://www.usa.gov/history
Watch Documentaries Online watchdocumentaries.com/
Fact-Checking Websites
www.allsides.com- daily news with left, center, and right bias ratings
www.factcheck.org- monitors politician's statements
www.politifact.com- rates accuracy of politician's statements with a Truth-o-Meter
www.snopes.com- reveals rumors and myths in American popular culture
Gale in Context: U.S. History
ABC- CLIO World Geography
username & password: shstoppers
ABC -Clio Ancient & Medieval World History
username & password: shstoppers
CREDO Source Reference:
(username & password: shstoppers)
Proquest eLibrary
(username: SHSelib
password: SHStoppers22!
Discovery Education:
click login upper right, click sign in with Google
Ebsco Host:
Explora Research Databases for New Researchers: Current Issues
Explora Research Databases for New Researchers: History
Explora Educators- Lesson Plans-American History
H.S. Research-Academic Search Premier
Business Source Premier
(username shstoppers & password @toppers21)
GVRL (Gale):
History, Law, Multicultural Studies, Nation & World, Social Science
galeapps.gale.com/apps/auth?userG roupName=nhais_htfr&origURL=https%3A %2F%2Fgo.gale.com%2Fps%2Fstart.do%3 Fp%3DGVRL%26u%3Dnhai s_htfr&prodId=GVRL
(username & password shstoppers)
Learn 360 Video
online.infobaselearning.com/Default.aspx (username & password shstoppers)
Classroom Video on Demand cvod.infobase.com/p_Login.aspx?log gedOut=1&rUrl=%2fnd_Home.aspx
(username & password: shstoppers)
Evaluating online information & teaching controversial issues:
Stanford University: cor.standard.edu
Brown University: choices.edu
CivXNow: vivxnow.org
NewseumEd: newseumed.org/medialiteracy
Tufts University: circle.tufts.edu
Retro Report- a non-profit news organization that produces short-form documentaries for historical context of current news stories